Wednesday, September 12, 2012

First M2M of the semester a SUCCESS!!!

Thanks for joining us this morning for our first M2M of the Fall 2012 semester! What a wonderful morning we had filled with food, friends, fun and a lot of laughter! Just a reminder that we have our first M2M play date one week from today. 
               - Next Wednesday, September 19- 
We will meet at Foothill Ranch Community Park around 10AM. Bring a friend and let's have fun!

Many of you were asking for the recipe of the blueberry cobbler this morning. It was made by our own Mentor Mom Coordinator, Lori West! She has been kind enough to give us the recipe! Here it is! 

2 Cups Blueberries (rinsed)
1 Can Buttermilk Grand Biscuits (cut into quartersThe Buttermilk are the best.
1 Stick butter
Grease large glass dish
Mix 1/2 Cup Brown sugar w/ 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
Dip quarters of biscuits in melted butter, then coat in brown sugar mix.
Place pieces in glass dish.
Cover w/ blueberries, 1/2 Cup of granulated sugar, then 1/2 Cup of Quick Quaker oats.
Bake 20 minutes @ 350 degrees

See you all soon and remember.... You ARE Wonderfully Made!

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