Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Any bookworms out there??

Calling all moms who love to read, like to read, or maybe just want a break once a month!! We are looking to form our bookclub back up now that summer is over and would love, love, love for you to join us! Our meetings are once a month & normally meet at the Starbucks in RSM near the Lowe's. Our upcoming books are: The Paris Wife, Unbroken & Crossing Oceans. Even if you feel you can't commit to a book a month, we'd still love for you to join. Make it every-other month if that's what works for you. Annnndddddd....if you don't finish the book that month....that's ok! Still come & enjoy some company & coffee! Please contact Naomi Salazar at if you're interested in joining!

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