Ken & Leslie Eichler are always so fantastic to have at M2M! Whether together or separate, they bring such great, honest information about how to strengthen our marriages. I especially loved last week's topic of "Personality Differences" and how we are not to assign motive for personality traits. I'll do my best to summarize their SCOPE profile for those that missed the meeting or maybe didn't write it all down.
Each letter in SCOPE represents a personality trait that has two extremes. You and your spouse may be on the same side of the scale, extreme opposites or somewhere in between. The goal of discussing these traits is to better understand yourself, better understand your spouse and appreciate how God has made each of you.
S- social: person's behavior in a social setting
(introvert -vs- extravert)
C- change: person's openness to change
(flexible -vs- status quo)
O- organized: person's level of conscientiousness
(organized -vs- less organized)
P- pleasing: person's level of agreeableness
( agreeable -vs- forceful)
E- emotionally steadied: person's emotions & mentality
( calm -vs- reactive)
Each of us is either on the far right, far left or maybe in the middle for each category. What Ken and Leslie explained was, no matter the differences or similarities in you and your spouse, we are not to assign motive to our spouse for one or more of their personality traits. As they said, "Great teams are made of different skill-sets." And we should want our partner to cover us in our areas of weakness. So should we do the same for our husbands.
Of course all of this information is void, unless we actually apply it in our marriages and realize that God has wired us all different for a purpose. Although it's tempting a lot of times to want to "rewire" our husbands, it's not God's. A great verse that Ken & Leslie gave for personal accountability is this: James 4:17...."If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them."
I pray the information given to us by the Eichler's can enrich & strengthen our marriages. Although they may not always be easy, our marriages are worth fighting for. Ladies please know how loved you are by our King. And how loved you are by all us mamas, treading the same waters.
If you have any questions for Ken or Leslie you can email them both at:
Here's the link to their website as well!
Hope to see lots of you at our M2M playdate tomorrow morning @ Melinda Park! 10am :)